When looking for a job, you may find a position you've been dreaming of for a long time. But before you can rejoice, you realize that you have no prior experience in that area and that most requests are above your means. At this point, how do you decide whether to apply or not?

Before quitting up, try to remember that simply when you lack experience in a particular profession, the chance may not always cease right away. Of course, there is a big difference between being unqualified and lacking the requisite ability but being capable of learning.

When you apply for a new job but have no experience, LHLegal will give you some following advises:

Step 1: Review your entire career

Very few people are capable of accurately evaluating their own skills and career path. List as many of your prior experiences, qualifications, honors, and accomplishments as you can. Check to see whether you have:

  • Positive comments from superiors, peers, teachers, or friends? Are they impressed by you, and if so, why?

  • How well did you perform the previous tasks?

  • Are you naturally a leader? What do you contribute to the corporate culture?

  • What past failures have you experienced? Why? Would you succeed if you attempted the task again right away?

  • What can you contribute to the company of the future (target fulfillment, culture, demographics, competitor issues and industry trends)?

  • What degrees and certificates do you have?

Step 2: Understand the new job position requirements


To get an overview of your dream job, learn more about the vacancy. You can also talk to friends or acquaintances who are in a similar role. You can inquire about the crucial qualities the employer seeks in a candidate in addition to the details in the job description, but they do not divulge them.

Step 3: Make a list of your strengths that are appropriate for the position

Once you have a comprehensive list of what you can do and a list of everything the company needs, your next step is to compare and match them.

If you lack key skills for the job, focus on transferability and substitution. For instance, if you wish to apply for a sales position but have never held an official position in that field but have experience working in the banking and finance area, including raising cash, you still have an edge over other applicants.

Step 4: Talk to industry professionals

The final step you can take is to reach out to industry experts (that you know) and ask them to give honest feedback. Someone with inside knowledge may be able to show you the actual discrepancy between your qualifications and the particulars of the position you are looking for. Typically, they will speak delicately so as not to offend you.

Above are the tips that LHLegal Law Firm gives you. Hope you get your dream job soon.

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Số 288 B7 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, Phường Võ Thị Sáu, Quận 3, TP.HCM

Điện thoại: 1900 2929 01

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Số 7 Bế Văn Đàn, Phường Phước Long, TP. Nha Trang

Điện thoại: 1900 2929 01

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