Our core cultural value is: “Integrity and fairness”. Integrity is honesty associated with professional ethics and human ethics. Fairness is the right to be treated equally between subjects. We always act for the sake of integrity to ensure the minimum fairness for our Clients, regardless of whether it is a single individual or a giant economic group. It doesn't matter who our clients are, it matters what we are protecting.

Lawyer and Partners LHLegal Law Firm
Trụ sở

Số 288 B7 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, Phường Võ Thị Sáu, Quận 3, TP.HCM

Điện thoại: 1900 2929 01

Chi nhánh Nha Trang

Số 7 Bế Văn Đàn, Phường Phước Long, TP. Nha Trang

Điện thoại: 1900 2929 01

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